What are the proper practices in splicing copper wires to aluminum lugs in electrical installations?
What are the proper practices in splicing copper wires to aluminum lugs in electrical installations?
Blog Article
In joining copper cable to aluminum cable lugs on an electrical installation, best practice needs to be followed in order to have a safe, efficient, and long-lasting connection. The combination of copper and aluminum creates galvanic corrosion and this results in electrical resistance and breakdown of the connection strength over a period of time. In eliminating such issues, the right material must be utilized, proper preparation methods utilized, and follow install practices that allow conductivity and system integrity.
Such one of the basic practices includes employment of the bi-metallic washer or compound process in an endeavor to prevent contact between the metal and metal. A being-used anti-oxidation compound will provide corrosion inhibition and stable electric contact. Application of adequate crimping technology using an applicable tool in the hope to yield a robust mechanical bond between lug and cable forms the second extensive practice. Under-crimping and over-crimping will lead to low conductivity, over-heating, and even failure in the connection. The second one is also equally crucial to make sure the lug size is compatible with the cable gauge so that no loose connections are formed which can cause sparking or resistances.
For applications requiring efficient and high-performance electrical contacts, Pioneer Powers offers high-grade aluminum cable lugs to ensure efficient conductivity and long life. Through correct installation using proper means, its high-grade lugs ensure safety, efficiency, and longevity in power supply and industrial applications. Through adherence to strict proper best practice in cable-lug joints, businesses can minimize maintenance costs, achieve maximum electrical efficiency, and provide maximum installation life.